In a word…yes!
While we may be living in a digital age, physical products can still have an effect and are a great way to promote your brand. Remember – everybody likes something for nothing, so even if you think it’s just a boring pen or mug which will lie around the office, it may make a customer feel more favourable towards you and your business.
Why do they work?
They use all 5 senses
Many promotional products are tangible, so people can feel a physical item rather than just read about your brand on a screen. They may evoke the other senses too – perhaps you’re giving away branded sweets or a free CD. They help you engage in more ways than one.
They are useful
Most freebies are useful and can come to the rescue for a potential customer when they need a pen or a bag to carry all those heavy files. Some promotional items can be used every single day at home or in the office – that’s a lot of brand exposure.
They last
Items can last a really long time, so you never know where your branded pen, baseball cap or T-shirt may end up. It could be advertising your business for years on the other side of the world, well after the exhibition day!
Key Facts
Here are some key facts about promo products:
56% of people keep their product for more than a year
Promotional items have the lowest cost per impression
73% of people use a promotional item at least once a week
84% of people remembered the brand behind the promotional product they received
Have we convinced you yet? Freebies and promo products certainly aren’t dead yet. Check out our cost effective range of custom promotional items including T-shirts, pens and flash drives.