What should we believe? Here are some of the most common myths you might have heard about the 3D printing industry – and we’re debunking them.
Myth 1: 3D printers will never replace traditional manufacturing
It may be hard to come to terms with, but it’s well on its way to replacing it already. When technology develops, it doesn’t make sense to ignore innovation and carry on as we were before. 3D printing can be more accurate and much faster than the machines which have been used for decades. By 2030, 3D printing is expected to account for 35% of global output.
Myth 2: Everyone is going to own a 3D printer
Most people own a printer at home which connects to their computer or phone to print out documents or photographs. But with this new technology, will the latest must-have be a 3D printer? Seeing as these printers are extremely expensive, it’s unlikely that many average households will be able to afford one – or the materials it needs to print something. Also, most people don’t really have a need for a 3D printer unless they are inventors or creative designers, trying to produce an interesting product.
Myth 3: 3D printers can only make plastic goods
Wrong – while most of the famous things already created by 3D printers have been made out of plastic, the technology is always developing and improving. Large scale printers can now print rubber, metal and ceramics in addition to plastic, opening up new possibilities.
These are just a few of the many myths out there surrounding the 3D printing industry. Don’t get caught out – do your research and don’t believe everything on the internet!
What do you think of 3D printing – is it a remarkable tech innovation or does it pose moral risks to the making of things? What are the biggest myths you’ve heard about it? Let us know.