traditional marketing techniques, In a marketing landscape that is constantly reminding us of why you need to invest in a digital strategy, it can be difficult to remember the unique benefits that face-to-face methods of marketing and communication can bring. Where once the humble exhibition stand was one of the only ways to portray your brand and message to your audience this physical format, and the interaction that comes with it, has largely become forgotten about amidst a world that has become focussed on the Internet.

However, a fully effective marketing campaign will not purely use one method of reaching consumers, and it will combine both digital and physical marketing strategies in order to form a rounded strategy. As well as investing in PPC advertising, e-shots and social media networking, here are some of the tried and tested physical marketing methods that shouldn’t be forgotten:

Trade shows and exhibitions

At PrintDesigns we love these corporate events, and we specialise in producing high-quality pop up display stands, roller banners and all other kinds of banner stands to help our clients make their attendance a success. Trade shows provide the unique opportunity to display your business and its benefits to your target market. While other forms of promotion relies on your voice being heard by those that matter, amongst a sea of uninterested faces, exhibitions are filled with people that are relevant to your brand.

Hosting ‘in-store’ or ‘in-house’ events

Just as a trade show can put you right in front of your target consumer, this can be taken one step further if you host your own event. This can be easily done whether you are a retail store, a restaurant or a corporate business. Put on some kind of open day, a launch party or an exclusive event in order to nurture past leads and gain new, interested customers. This is a great way to combine both your online efforts with this offline technique, and you can use social media to drum up interest and personally invite key consumers to your exciting event to learn more about your brand and to build up a personal connection. And of course, custom printed display stands can help to dress your venue with your branding and marketing message!

Promotional gifts

While they are a common tool, custom printed giveaway items can help to keep your brand on the consciousness of your consumer. Choose something that will be useful to your target market ie- if you are selling to graphic designers then a pencil or sketchpad is perfect, or of you are a cosmetics brand then a pocket mirror is something appropriate to your product and is likely to be used by your consumer.